Author guidelines

Types of articles

The Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report (WESR) classifies published articles into five main categories.

  1. Original articles
    1. Outbreak investigation
    2. Research
    3. Public health program evaluation and surveillance evaluation
    4. Health situation analysis
    5. Review article
    6. Case report
  2. Summary reports of disease outbreak investigations/health threat verifications
  3. Summary reports of epidemiological surveillance activities
  4. Disease/Health Threat Situational Reports
  5. Note from the field/Health Alert Reports/Guidelines for surveillance and investigations, protocols for control and treatment/executive summaries of relevant research

*Note: the articles type 5 may vary, depending on the health situation.

Details of article types published in WESR

1. Original articles

1.1 Outbreak investigation report: This manuscript provides detailed information on disease/health threat outbreaks including causes, sources, route of transmission, and spread. It should be composed of abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, limitation, actions taken, public health recommendation, conclusion, acknowledgment, and reference parts. It should not exceed 14 pages in length.

1.2 Epidemiological research: This type of article answers research questions by selecting the study type, collecting and analyzing data, as well as studying disease control and prevention measures and policies/laws related to disease/public health threats, following the ethical standard. Content includes abstract, introduction, study design, materials and methods, results, discussion, limitations, conclusion, recommendation, acknowledgment, and reference. This report should not exceed 14 pages in length.

1.3 Public health program evaluation and surveillance evaluation: This study assesses the public health program/ intervention and surveillance systems related to epidemiology and disease control, such as communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, and occupational diseases. Content includes abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, limitations, conclusion, recommendations, acknowledgment, and reference. This report should not exceed 14 pages in length.

1.4 Health situation analysis: This manuscript shows an analysis of data from surveillance systems to explain the disease occurrence and distribution by person, time, and place. It also includes measures for preventing and controlling diseases/health threats and policy recommendations. This report should not exceed 14 pages in length.

1.5 Review article: This type of article reviews or gathers knowledge from various domestic and international journals or books. Content consists of an abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, and conclusions drawn from the author’s opinions. References should be new, and this report should not exceed 8 pages in length.

1.6 Case report: A case report presents a case study of a new or rare disease or syndrome. It must provide comprehensive details, including disease Situation, case characteristics, signs and symptoms, clinical course, discussion or observational points, informed consent and reference. The length of the article should not exceed 10 pages.

2. Summary of Outbreak and Health Hazard News Inspection for the Week

The WATCH team of the Department of Disease Control prepares and compiles reports on disease outbreaks and health hazards received from Public Health Offices, the 13 Disease Control Prevention Offices, and the Health Bureau of Bangkok, as well as relevant agencies, through the outbreak news monitoring program of the Department of Disease Control.

Elements of a Report

Results of the Investigation into Disease Outbreaks, Risk Factors, and the Implementation of Prevention and Control Measures Already Taken or to Be Taken. There is an assessment of the risk associated with the diseases currently experiencing outbreaks.

News of disease outbreaks or health hazards abroad (may or may not be included).

Supplementary tables or images (optional).


3. Report on Health Events That Have Been Alerted, including guidelines for surveillance, investigation, and control of diseases and health hazards / preliminary reports on disease outbreaks or health hazards / progress of research projects / analysis of health situations*

  • Disease/Health Hazard Situation:This presents the situation of diseases that have outbreaks during that week, detailing outbreaks within the country or reported outbreaks abroad. It includes an analysis of epidemiological characteristics, presenting data from laboratory surveillance systems, pathogen detection, and other relevant surveillance systems, along with recommendations.                                Elements of a Report: It includes the following sections: Highlights: A brief summary. Introduction: Discusses the overall situation and includes information about the disease, especially if it is an emerging or rare disease. Details of Epidemiological Characteristics. Relevant Surveillance Systems. Coordination with Relevant Agencies. Disease/Health Hazard Control Measures at the Central and Local Levels. Risk Communication. Next Steps. References. The length of the article should not exceed 5 pages.
  • Proactive Communication:This involves public communication and dissemination of accurate information to a wide audience in order to reduce panic and minimize the risk of widespread transmission of diseases or health hazards.                                                                  Elements of a Report: It includes the following sections: Highlights: A brief summary. Introduction/Background. Trends in Disease Outbreaks/Occurrences in the Country and Abroad. Disease/Health Hazard Surveillance Data from Relevant Countries. Risk Communication to the Public in Specific Areas/National Overview. Next Steps. Acknowledgments. References. The length should not exceed 4 pages.
  • Preliminary Disease/Health Hazard Investigation: This describes the initial investigation of disease or health hazard outbreaks conducted shortly after receiving the outbreak report.                                                                                                                                                       Elements of a Report: It includes the following sections: Introduction, Preliminary Investigation Procedures, Disease/Health Hazard Situation in the Area, Details of Patients/Outbreak, Laboratory/Environmental Testing Results, Preliminary Investigation Summary, Disease/Health Hazard Control Measures, Coordination with Relevant Agencies for Disease Control, Risk Communication at Central/Local Levels, Next Steps, Acknowledgments, References

    The length should not exceed 5 pages.

4. Original articles

    • Epidemiological Investigation                                                                                                                                                                                                The title should be concise and relevant to the context of the article. It must be presented in both Thai and English.                             Elements of a Report:

       It includes the following main components and sequence of content: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Study Limitations, Disease Control and Prevention Measures, Recommendations, Acknowledgments, References                                               The length of the document should be less than 14 pages, with fewer than 4 tables, images, or boxes, and more than 10 references.

    • Epidemiological Research                                                                                                                                                                                                         This involves the study and research to formulate research questions, select the type of study, collect and analyze data, and examine disease control measures, disease prevention, policies, and laws related to public health diseases/hazards, while considering ethical issues.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Elements of a Report:

      It should include the following main components and sequence of content: Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Study Limitations, Conclusion, Recommendations, Acknowledgments, References

      The length of the document should be less than 14 pages, with fewer than 5 tables, images, or boxes, and more than 10 references.

    • Evaluation of Public Health Planning and Surveillance Evaluation This involves the study and evaluation of management systems and various surveillance systems related to epidemiology and disease control, including communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, and occupational diseases.                                                                                                                                                  Elements of a Report:

      It should include the following main components and sequence of content: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Summary and Critique, Study Limitations, Recommendations, Acknowledgments, References

      The length of the document should be less than 14 pages, with fewer than 4 tables, images, or boxes, and more than 10 references.

    • Health Situation Analysis                                                                                                                                                                                                           This is a report that provides data from various surveillance systems, analyzing and describing the characteristics of disease occurrence and distribution according to person, time, and place, along with prevention and control measures for diseases or presenting policy recommendations.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Elements of a Report: 

      It should include the following main components and sequence of content: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Summary and Critique, Study Limitations, Disease Control and Prevention, Measures, Recommendations, Acknowledgments, References

      The length of the document should be less than 14 pages.

    • Review Article                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  This is an article that reviews or compiles knowledge on a specific topic from various journals or books, both domestic and international. It includes an introduction, methodology for information retrieval, content being reviewed, critique, and references. Additional comments from the compiler may also be included.                                                                                                                                                                            Elements of a Report:

      It should include the following components: Abstract, Introduction, Knowledge or Information on the Topic, Critique, Summary of the Author’s Opinions, References

      The length of the document should be less than 8 pages, with fewer than 4 tables, images, or boxes, and more than 10 references.

    • Case Report This is a report of case studies involving a new disease or a rare syndrome that must include comprehensive details.    Elements of a Report: 

      It should include the following components: Disease Situation, Patient Information, Clinical Notes, Case Description, Clinical Course, Case Study Summary, Critique or Observations, Patient Informed Consent, References

      The length of the document should be less than 10 pages, with fewer than 4 tables, images, or boxes, and more than 10 references.