Author guidelines
Types of articles
The Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report (WESR) classifies published articles into five main categories.
- Original articles
- Outbreak investigation
- Research
- Public health program evaluation and surveillance evaluation
- Health situation analysis
- Review article
- Case report
- Summary reports of disease outbreak investigations/health threat verifications
- Summary reports of epidemiological surveillance activities
- Disease/Health Threat Situational Reports
- Note from the field/Health Alert Reports/Guidelines for surveillance and investigations, protocols for control and treatment/executive summaries of relevant research
*Note: the articles type 5 may vary, depending on the health situation.
Details of article types published in WESR
1. Original articles
1.1 Outbreak investigation report: This manuscript provides detailed information on disease/health threat outbreaks including causes, sources, route of transmission, and spread. It should be composed of abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, limitation, actions taken, public health recommendation, conclusion, acknowledgment, and reference parts. It should not exceed 14 pages in length.
1.2 Epidemiological research: This type of article answers research questions by selecting the study type, collecting and analyzing data, as well as studying disease control and prevention measures and policies/laws related to disease/public health threats, following the ethical standard. Content includes abstract, introduction, study design, materials and methods, results, discussion, limitations, conclusion, recommendation, acknowledgment, and reference. This report should not exceed 14 pages in length.
1.3 Public health program evaluation and surveillance evaluation: This study assesses the public health program/ intervention and surveillance systems related to epidemiology and disease control, such as communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, and occupational diseases. Content includes abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, limitations, conclusion, recommendations, acknowledgment, and reference. This report should not exceed 14 pages in length.
1.4 Health situation analysis: This manuscript shows an analysis of data from surveillance systems to explain the disease occurrence and distribution by person, time, and place. It also includes measures for preventing and controlling diseases/health threats and policy recommendations. This report should not exceed 14 pages in length.
1.5 Review article: This type of article reviews or gathers knowledge from various domestic and international journals or books. Content consists of an abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, and conclusions drawn from the author’s opinions. References should be new, and this report should not exceed 8 pages in length.
1.6 Case report: A case report presents a case study of a new or rare disease or syndrome. It must provide comprehensive details, including disease Situation, case characteristics, signs and symptoms, clinical course, discussion or observational points, informed consent and reference. The length of the article should not exceed 10 pages.
2. Summary of Outbreak and Health Hazard News Inspection for the Week
The WATCH team of the Department of Disease Control prepares and compiles reports on disease outbreaks and health hazards received from Public Health Offices, the 13 Disease Control Prevention Offices, and the Health Bureau of Bangkok, as well as relevant agencies, through the outbreak news monitoring program of the Department of Disease Control.
Elements of a Report
Results of the Investigation into Disease Outbreaks, Risk Factors, and the Implementation of Prevention and Control Measures Already Taken or to Be Taken. There is an assessment of the risk associated with the diseases currently experiencing outbreaks.
News of disease outbreaks or health hazards abroad (may or may not be included).
Supplementary tables or images (optional).
3. Report on Health Events That Have Been Alerted, including guidelines for surveillance, investigation, and control of diseases and health hazards / preliminary reports on disease outbreaks or health hazards / progress of research projects / analysis of health situations*
- Disease/Health Hazard Situation:This presents the situation of diseases that have outbreaks during that week, detailing outbreaks within the country or reported outbreaks abroad. It includes an analysis of epidemiological characteristics, presenting data from laboratory surveillance systems, pathogen detection, and other relevant surveillance systems, along with recommendations. Elements of a Report: It includes the following sections: Highlights: A brief summary. Introduction: Discusses the overall situation and includes information about the disease, especially if it is an emerging or rare disease. Details of Epidemiological Characteristics. Relevant Surveillance Systems. Coordination with Relevant Agencies. Disease/Health Hazard Control Measures at the Central and Local Levels. Risk Communication. Next Steps. References. The length of the article should not exceed 5 pages.
- Proactive Communication:This involves public communication and dissemination of accurate information to a wide audience in order to reduce panic and minimize the risk of widespread transmission of diseases or health hazards. Elements of a Report: It includes the following sections: Highlights: A brief summary. Introduction/Background. Trends in Disease Outbreaks/Occurrences in the Country and Abroad. Disease/Health Hazard Surveillance Data from Relevant Countries. Risk Communication to the Public in Specific Areas/National Overview. Next Steps. Acknowledgments. References. The length should not exceed 4 pages.
- Preliminary Disease/Health Hazard Investigation: This describes the initial investigation of disease or health hazard outbreaks conducted shortly after receiving the outbreak report. Elements of a Report: It includes the following sections: Introduction, Preliminary Investigation Procedures, Disease/Health Hazard Situation in the Area, Details of Patients/Outbreak, Laboratory/Environmental Testing Results, Preliminary Investigation Summary, Disease/Health Hazard Control Measures, Coordination with Relevant Agencies for Disease Control, Risk Communication at Central/Local Levels, Next Steps, Acknowledgments, References
The length should not exceed 5 pages.

4. Original articles
- Epidemiological Investigation The title should be concise and relevant to the context of the article. It must be presented in both Thai and English. Elements of a Report:
It includes the following main components and sequence of content: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Study Limitations, Disease Control and Prevention Measures, Recommendations, Acknowledgments, References The length of the document should be less than 14 pages, with fewer than 4 tables, images, or boxes, and more than 10 references.
- Epidemiological Research This involves the study and research to formulate research questions, select the type of study, collect and analyze data, and examine disease control measures, disease prevention, policies, and laws related to public health diseases/hazards, while considering ethical issues. Elements of a Report:
It should include the following main components and sequence of content: Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Study Limitations, Conclusion, Recommendations, Acknowledgments, References
The length of the document should be less than 14 pages, with fewer than 5 tables, images, or boxes, and more than 10 references.
- Evaluation of Public Health Planning and Surveillance Evaluation This involves the study and evaluation of management systems and various surveillance systems related to epidemiology and disease control, including communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, and occupational diseases. Elements of a Report:
It should include the following main components and sequence of content: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Summary and Critique, Study Limitations, Recommendations, Acknowledgments, References
The length of the document should be less than 14 pages, with fewer than 4 tables, images, or boxes, and more than 10 references.
- Health Situation Analysis This is a report that provides data from various surveillance systems, analyzing and describing the characteristics of disease occurrence and distribution according to person, time, and place, along with prevention and control measures for diseases or presenting policy recommendations. Elements of a Report:
It should include the following main components and sequence of content: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Summary and Critique, Study Limitations, Disease Control and Prevention, Measures, Recommendations, Acknowledgments, References
The length of the document should be less than 14 pages.
- Review Article This is an article that reviews or compiles knowledge on a specific topic from various journals or books, both domestic and international. It includes an introduction, methodology for information retrieval, content being reviewed, critique, and references. Additional comments from the compiler may also be included. Elements of a Report:
It should include the following components: Abstract, Introduction, Knowledge or Information on the Topic, Critique, Summary of the Author’s Opinions, References
The length of the document should be less than 8 pages, with fewer than 4 tables, images, or boxes, and more than 10 references.
- Case Report This is a report of case studies involving a new disease or a rare syndrome that must include comprehensive details. Elements of a Report:
It should include the following components: Disease Situation, Patient Information, Clinical Notes, Case Description, Clinical Course, Case Study Summary, Critique or Observations, Patient Informed Consent, References
The length of the document should be less than 10 pages, with fewer than 4 tables, images, or boxes, and more than 10 references.
- Epidemiological Investigation The title should be concise and relevant to the context of the article. It must be presented in both Thai and English. Elements of a Report:

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The process of submitting an article, authors must review and comply with all submission checklist requirements. The article may be returned to the author in case all requirements are not complied with.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it in the process of review in another journal for consideration
- If using the primary data, the data must not exceed five years from the completion of data collection.
- The authors’ name, email, telephone number, and workplace must adhere to requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines. (please see the WESR author guidelines).
- The title, structured abstract, and keywords must be in both Thai and English, following the WESR author guidelines.
- Citations in the text and references at the end of the article should adhere to the Vancouver. All non-original concepts must be cited correctly to avoid plagiarism.
- The manuscript must be prepared in Microsoft Word using the TH Sarabun New font. Images, charts, and tables should be consistent with and contribute to the content of the manuscript.
- Authors must submit a letter or memorandum expressing their intention to publish their work in the WESR, which has been verified by their institution of affiliation.
Review Process of Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report (WESR)

Author guidelines
Type of articles
The Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report (WESR) classifies published articles into four main categories.
- Summary reports of epidemiological surveillance activities
- Summary reports of disease outbreak investigations/health threat verifications
- Reports of alerted health events that includes guidelines for surveillance and investigations, protocols for control and treatment, and executive summaries of relevant research, investigations and health situation analyses.
- Original articles
- Outbreak investigation
- Research
- Public health program evaluation and surveillance evaluation
- Health situation analysis
- Review article
- Case report
Specific Guidance on Formatting Submissions
● Title
- The title should be concise and relevant to the context of the article. It must be presented in both Thai and English.
จำนวนผู้ป่วยและเสียชีวิตที่มีการระบาดในพท. ต่าง ๆ
< หรือ = 3 ตาราง รูปภาพ หรือกล่อง
● Author's name
- Please include full name and surname (without specifying titles) and place of work/affiliation in both Thai and English. In cases of multiple authors, list names in order of their contribution to the article. Use superscript numbers after the last names of all authors associated with the listed affiliations. Include email addresses and telephone numbers for contact.
ผลการสอบสวน การระบาดของโรค ปัจจัยเสี่ยง และการดำเนินการมาตรการป้องกันและควบคุมโรคที่ได้ทำไปแล้วหรือต้องทำต่อไปมีการประเมินความเสี่ยงในโรคที่มีการระบาดในช่วงนั้น ๆข่าวการระบาดของโรค/ภัยสุขภาพในต่างประเทศ (อาจมีหรือไม่มี)
<3 ตารางหรือรูปภาพเสริม (ไม่บังคับ)
● Abstract
- Please provide a concise summary of the important content, include only essential information and use clear and complete sentences. It should be in structured format cover the following: introduction and objectives, methods, results, discussion, and recommendations. Please avoid footnotes or references. The abstract should be written in both Thai (not exceeding 550 words) and English (not exceeding 450 words).
ประกอบด้วยหัวข้อ ไฮไลท์สรุปสั้น ๆ บทนำ (กล่าวถึงสถานการณ์โดย
รวม ใส่ความรู้เกี่ยวกับโรค หากเป็นโรคอุบัติใหม่หรือเป็นโรคหายาก) รายละเอียดลักษณะทางระบาดวิทยา ระบบเฝ้าระวังที่เกี่ยวข้อง การประสานงานร่วมกับหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้องมาตรการดำเนินการควบ
คุมโรค/ภัยระดับส่วนกลาง/พื้นที่การสื่อสารความเสี่ยงสิ่งที่ต้องดำเนิน การต่อไป เอกสารอ้างอิง และความยาวของบทความไม่ควรเกิน 4 หน้า
● Content
- The content should use language that is clear, concise, and easily understandable. If using abbreviations, spell out the full word initially. Please minimize verbosity (e.g., replace phrases like “equal to” with “=”). When using scientific units, please write them out in full rather than using abbreviations.
ประกอบด้วยหัวข้อ ไฮไลท์สรุปสั้น ๆ เกริ่นนำ/ความเป็นมา แนวโน้มที่จะเกิดการะบาด/พบโรคในประเทศและต่างประเทศ ข้อมูลการเฝ้าระวังโรค/ภัยสุขภาพของประเทศที่เกี่ยวข้อง การสื่อสารความเสี่ยงต่อสาธารณะ ในพท./ภาพรวมประเทศ สิ่งที่ต้องดำเนินการต่อไป กิตติกรรมประกาศ เอกสารอ้างอิง และความยาวไม่ควรเกิน 4 หน้า
● Introduction
- The introduction part should give a background and significance of the topic including a literature review of related works and outline the study’s objectives.
ประกอบด้วยหัวข้อ บทนำ การดำเนินการสอบสวนเบื้องต้น สถานการณ์โรค/ภัยสุขภาพในพื้นที่ รายละเอียดผู้ป่วย/การระบาด ผลการตรวจทางห้องปฏิบัติการ/สิ่งแวดล้อม สรุปการสอบสวนเบื้องต้น มาตรการดำเนินการควบคุมโรค/ภัยสุขภาพ การประสานงานร่วมกับหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้องในการควบคุมโรค การสื่อสารความเสี่ยงในระดับส่วนกลาง/พื้นที่ สิ่งที่ต้องดำเนินการต่อไป กิตติกรรมประกาศ เอกสารอ้างอิง และความยาวไม่ควรเกิน 4 หน้า
● Materials and Methods
- The section describes the research methods and data sources. It explains how data were collected, sampling methods, tools, and data analysis and statistics used.
ประกอบด้วยองค์ประกอบหลักและลำดับเนื้อเรื่องดังต่อไปนี้ บทคัดย่อ คำสำคัญ บทนำ วิธีการศึกษา ผลการศึกษา อภิปราย ข้อจำกัดในการ
ศึกษา มาตรการควบคุมและป้องกันโรค ข้อเสนอแนะ กิตติกรรมประกาศ และเอกสารอ้างอิง ความยาวของเรื่อง < หรือ = 14 หน้า < หรือ = 5 ตาราง รูปภาพ หรือกล่องการอ้างอิงขั้นต่ำที่จำเป็นเพื่อสนับสนุนคำแนะนำ < หรือ = 10 เชิงอรรถ
● Results
- It explains the results in detail, following with the study’s methods. The author should interpret the results or analyses.
ควรประกอบด้วยองค์ประกอบหลักและลำดับเนื้อเรื่องดังต่อไปนี้ บทคัดย่อ บทนำ วิธีการศึกษา วัสดุและวิธีการศึกษา ผลการศึกษา อภิปราย ข้อจำกัดในการศึกษา สรุป ข้อเสนอแนะ กิตติกรรมประกาศ เอกสารอ้างอิง ความยาวของเรื่อง < หรือ = 14 หน้า < หรือ = 5 ตาราง รูปภาพ หรือกล่อง < หรือ = 10 เชิงอรรถ
● Summary and discussion
- The author analyzes the study’s results and whether they align with the previous knowledge. Please reference relevant theories or studies.
ดังต่อไป บทคัดย่อ คำสำคัญ บทนำ วิธีการศึกษา ผลการศึกษา อภิปราย ข้อจำกัดในการศึกษา สรุป ข้อเสนอแนะ กิตติกรรมประกาศ และเอกสารอ้างอิงความยาวของเรื่อง < หรือ = 14 หน้า < หรือ = 4 ตาราง รูปภาพ หรือกล่อง < หรือ = 10 การอ้างอิง
● Public Health recommendation
- This section provides specific recommendations on how to proceed, specifying organizations and timing of actions.
ประกอบด้วยองค์ประกอบหลักและลำดับเนื้อเรื่องดังต่อไปนี้ บทคัดย่อ คำสำคัญ บทนำ วิธีการศึกษา ผลการศึกษา สรุปและวิจารณ์ ข้อจำกัดในการศึกษา มาตรการควบคุมและป้องกันโรค ข้อเสนอแนะ กิตติกรรมประกาศ และเอกสารอ้างอิง
ความยาวของเรื่อง < หรือ = 14 หน้า
● Conclusion
- This section summarizes the article and recommendations.
ประกอบด้วยบทคัดย่อ บทนำ ความรู้หรือข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับเรื่องนั้น บทวิจารณ์ และสรุปผลจากความคิดเห็นของผู้เขียน เอกสารอ้างอิงควรเป็นปัจจุบัน ความยาวของเรื่อง < หรือ = 8 หน้า < หรือ = 4 ตาราง รูปภาพหรือกล่อง < หรือ = 10 การอ้างอิง
● Limitations
- Characteristics of the data or analysis that may affect the accuracy or validity of the results. It is written in paragraph form in sequence. For example, ‘1st, 2nd, and 3rd’, ending with ‘For the final constraint’ specifies how each constraint may affect the results.
ประกอบด้วย สถานการณ์โรค ข้อมูลคนไข้ บันทึกเวชกรรม (Clinic note) ลักษณะเวชกรรม (Case description) การดำเนินโรค (Clinic course) สรุปกรณีศึกษา วิจารณ์หรือข้อสังเกต การยินยอมอนุญาตของคนไข้ (informed consent) และเอกสารอ้างอิง ความยาวของเรื่อง < หรือ = 10 หน้า < หรือ = 4 ตาราง รูปภาพ หรือ
กล่อง < หรือ = 10 การอ้างอิง
● Figures and tables
- The figure and table titles provide detailed descriptions that match the content. Place the table title above the table, and the figure title below the figure, whether it is an image, graph, chart, or map. Number them all as ‘Figure’ or ‘Table.’ If it’s a graph, include labels for the X and Y axes in the graph description only, and it should be editable. Use the TH Sarabun New font for the text in the figure or table, with a minimum font size of 13.
● Keywords
- Please select keywords that reflect the article’s content. Please use 3-5 words that capture the main idea of the article and place keywords at the end of the abstract in both Thai and English to facilitate content searching and access.
● References
- Please follow Vancouver-style references, using English for all references. If the original reference is in Thai, authors must provide an English translation and indicate “(in Thai)” at the end of the reference. The author is responsible for the accuracy of all referenced documents. Each reference within the article should be numbered consecutively, starting from number 1 and continuing in sequence throughout the text. When citing an article more than once, use the same reference number. For foreign journal references, use the initials as per the Index Medicus guidelines. Any citation errors may result in delays in the submission process, as additional details may be required from the author to ensure compliance.
Manuscript format
- Be in MS-Word with the font “TH Sarabun New”, the content uses a font size of 16, while the text and numbers in figures and tables should not be lower than size 12
- Use decimal notation with one or two decimal places consistently throughout the document.
- Have all references in English.
- Have illustrations, diagrams, or pictures in black color. If color is necessary, employ different patterns for clarity. Photos should be included in the presentation file or provided as full-color postcards with a separate description. Do not write directly on the images.
Online Submission
The Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report (WESR) exclusively accepts original articles submitted online via the ThaiJo system. Authors can submit their articles through the website.
If the author wants to initiate a new submission or review a pending submission, please follow the link below:
Copyright Notice
Copyright Notice
1. The content and information in articles published with WESR are the opinions and responsibilities of the authors of the articles directly, which the journal editorial team does not need to agree with or share any responsibility.
2. Articles, information, content, images, etc. published in WESR are considered to be copyrighted by academic journals. If any person or entity wants to publish all or part of it, any part of it shall be disseminated. Please refer to the article.
Privacy Policy
Personal Data Protection Act, B.E. 2567 (2024) Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report (WESR) journal
The Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report (WESR) journal is important in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562, effective May 28, 2019, and in accordance with the data protection laws to ensure that data owners trust that the journal will take care of their personal data and implement appropriate security measures.
- Definition
‘Journal’ refers to the Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report (WESR).
‘Person’ refers to an ordinary individual.
‘Personal data’ refers to information about a person that enables the identification of that individual, whether directly or indirectly, but does not include data about deceased individuals such as name, surname, address, telephone number, email address, IP address, cookie ID, log files, etc. However, the following information is not considered personal data: business contact information that does not identify an individual, such as company name, company address, company registration number, work phone number, work email address, anonymous data or pseudonymous data that has been processed to prevent identification, and deceased individuals’ data.
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‘Processing’ refers to the collection, use, or disclosure of personal data.
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The journal collects or obtains various types of personal data from the following sources:
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- Processing of personal data
(1) Personal data collection
The journal will collect personal data to the extent necessary and limited, depending on the type of service used by the owner of personal data or providing personal data to the journal. For example, registering for participation in activities, registering for various services, registering for journal evaluation, etc., whether directly through the journal or through the journal’s information system, which will collect personal data only as necessary.
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The journal will use personal data according to the purposes provided by the data subjects to the journal, utilizing it appropriately and implementing security measures to ensure confidentiality and control access to personal data.
(3) Disclosure of personal data
The journal may disclose your personal data to certain categories of individuals and channels, as follows:
- Your affiliated organization: For instance, in cases where your organization requests that the journal send reports of conference attendees who are personnel within the organization.
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The journal implements appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, use, alteration, modification, or disclosure of personal data. Additionally, the journal establishes internal practices within the organization to define the rights of access or use of personal data by data owners, ensuring the confidentiality and security of data. Periodic reviews of these measures are conducted for appropriateness.
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The journal may update or amend the Personal Data Protection Policy without prior notice to the data subjects. This is to ensure appropriateness and efficiency in service provision. Therefore, the journal recommends that data subjects read the Personal Data Protection Policy every time they visit or use services from the journal or its website.
- Compliance with the Personal Data Protection Policy and Contacting the Journal
If data subjects have any questions or suggestions regarding this Personal Data Protection Policy or its implementation, the Journal welcomes inquiries and feedback for the continuous improvement of data protection and services. Data subjects can contact the journal at or at the address provided below.
Types of articles
The Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report (WESR) classifies published articles into five main categories.
- Original articles
- Outbreak investigation
- Research
- Public health program evaluation and surveillance evaluation
- Health situation analysis
- Review article
- Case report
- Summary reports of disease outbreak investigations/health threat verifications
- Summary reports of epidemiological surveillance activities
- Disease/Health Threat Situational Reports
- Note from the field/Health Alert Reports/Guidelines for surveillance and investigations, protocols for control and treatment/executive summaries of relevant research
*Note: the articles type 5 may vary, depending on the health situation.
Details of article types published in WESR
1. Original articles
1.1 Outbreak investigation report: This manuscript provides detailed information on disease/health threat outbreaks including causes, sources, route of transmission, and spread. It should be composed of abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, limitation, actions taken, public health recommendation, conclusion, acknowledgment, and reference parts. It should not exceed 14 pages in length.
1.2 Epidemiological research: This type of article answers research questions by selecting the study type, collecting and analyzing data, as well as studying disease control and prevention measures and policies/laws related to disease/public health threats, following the ethical standard. Content includes abstract, introduction, study design, materials and methods, results, discussion, limitations, conclusion, recommendation, acknowledgment, and reference. This report should not exceed 14 pages in length.
1.3 Public health program evaluation and surveillance evaluation: This study assesses the public health program/ intervention and surveillance systems related to epidemiology and disease control, such as communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, and occupational diseases. Content includes abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, limitations, conclusion, recommendations, acknowledgment, and reference. This report should not exceed 14 pages in length.
1.4 Health situation analysis: This manuscript shows an analysis of data from surveillance systems to explain the disease occurrence and distribution by person, time, and place. It also includes measures for preventing and controlling diseases/health threats and policy recommendations. This report should not exceed 14 pages in length.
1.5 Review article: This type of article reviews or gathers knowledge from various domestic and international journals or books. Content consists of an abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, and conclusions drawn from the author’s opinions. References should be new, and this report should not exceed 8 pages in length.
1.6 Case report: A case report presents a case study of a new or rare disease or syndrome. It must provide comprehensive details, including disease Situation, case characteristics, signs and symptoms, clinical course, discussion or observational points, informed consent and reference. The length of the article should not exceed 10 pages.
2. Summary of Outbreak and Health Hazard News Inspection for the Week
The WATCH team of the Department of Disease Control prepares and compiles reports on disease outbreaks and health hazards received from Public Health Offices, the 13 Disease Control Prevention Offices, and the Health Bureau of Bangkok, as well as relevant agencies, through the outbreak news monitoring program of the Department of Disease Control.
Elements of a Report
Results of the Investigation into Disease Outbreaks, Risk Factors, and the Implementation of Prevention and Control Measures Already Taken or to Be Taken. There is an assessment of the risk associated with the diseases currently experiencing outbreaks.
News of disease outbreaks or health hazards abroad (may or may not be included).
Supplementary tables or images (optional).
3. Report on Health Events That Have Been Alerted, including guidelines for surveillance, investigation, and control of diseases and health hazards / preliminary reports on disease outbreaks or health hazards / progress of research projects / analysis of health situations*
- Disease/Health Hazard Situation:This presents the situation of diseases that have outbreaks during that week, detailing outbreaks within the country or reported outbreaks abroad. It includes an analysis of epidemiological characteristics, presenting data from laboratory surveillance systems, pathogen detection, and other relevant surveillance systems, along with recommendations. Elements of a Report: It includes the following sections: Highlights: A brief summary. Introduction: Discusses the overall situation and includes information about the disease, especially if it is an emerging or rare disease. Details of Epidemiological Characteristics. Relevant Surveillance Systems. Coordination with Relevant Agencies. Disease/Health Hazard Control Measures at the Central and Local Levels. Risk Communication. Next Steps. References. The length of the article should not exceed 5 pages.
- Proactive Communication:This involves public communication and dissemination of accurate information to a wide audience in order to reduce panic and minimize the risk of widespread transmission of diseases or health hazards. Elements of a Report: It includes the following sections: Highlights: A brief summary. Introduction/Background. Trends in Disease Outbreaks/Occurrences in the Country and Abroad. Disease/Health Hazard Surveillance Data from Relevant Countries. Risk Communication to the Public in Specific Areas/National Overview. Next Steps. Acknowledgments. References. The length should not exceed 4 pages.
- Preliminary Disease/Health Hazard Investigation: This describes the initial investigation of disease or health hazard outbreaks conducted shortly after receiving the outbreak report. Elements of a Report: It includes the following sections: Introduction, Preliminary Investigation Procedures, Disease/Health Hazard Situation in the Area, Details of Patients/Outbreak, Laboratory/Environmental Testing Results, Preliminary Investigation Summary, Disease/Health Hazard Control Measures, Coordination with Relevant Agencies for Disease Control, Risk Communication at Central/Local Levels, Next Steps, Acknowledgments, References
The length should not exceed 5 pages.

4. Original articles
- Epidemiological Investigation The title should be concise and relevant to the context of the article. It must be presented in both Thai and English. Elements of a Report:
It includes the following main components and sequence of content: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Study Limitations, Disease Control and Prevention Measures, Recommendations, Acknowledgments, References The length of the document should be less than 14 pages, with fewer than 4 tables, images, or boxes, and more than 10 references.
- Epidemiological Research This involves the study and research to formulate research questions, select the type of study, collect and analyze data, and examine disease control measures, disease prevention, policies, and laws related to public health diseases/hazards, while considering ethical issues. Elements of a Report:
It should include the following main components and sequence of content: Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Study Limitations, Conclusion, Recommendations, Acknowledgments, References
The length of the document should be less than 14 pages, with fewer than 5 tables, images, or boxes, and more than 10 references.
- Evaluation of Public Health Planning and Surveillance Evaluation This involves the study and evaluation of management systems and various surveillance systems related to epidemiology and disease control, including communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, and occupational diseases. Elements of a Report:
It should include the following main components and sequence of content: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Summary and Critique, Study Limitations, Recommendations, Acknowledgments, References
The length of the document should be less than 14 pages, with fewer than 4 tables, images, or boxes, and more than 10 references.
- Health Situation Analysis This is a report that provides data from various surveillance systems, analyzing and describing the characteristics of disease occurrence and distribution according to person, time, and place, along with prevention and control measures for diseases or presenting policy recommendations. Elements of a Report:
It should include the following main components and sequence of content: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Summary and Critique, Study Limitations, Disease Control and Prevention, Measures, Recommendations, Acknowledgments, References
The length of the document should be less than 14 pages.
- Review Article This is an article that reviews or compiles knowledge on a specific topic from various journals or books, both domestic and international. It includes an introduction, methodology for information retrieval, content being reviewed, critique, and references. Additional comments from the compiler may also be included. Elements of a Report:
It should include the following components: Abstract, Introduction, Knowledge or Information on the Topic, Critique, Summary of the Author’s Opinions, References
The length of the document should be less than 8 pages, with fewer than 4 tables, images, or boxes, and more than 10 references.
- Case Report This is a report of case studies involving a new disease or a rare syndrome that must include comprehensive details. Elements of a Report:
It should include the following components: Disease Situation, Patient Information, Clinical Notes, Case Description, Clinical Course, Case Study Summary, Critique or Observations, Patient Informed Consent, References
The length of the document should be less than 10 pages, with fewer than 4 tables, images, or boxes, and more than 10 references.
- Epidemiological Investigation The title should be concise and relevant to the context of the article. It must be presented in both Thai and English. Elements of a Report:

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The process of submitting an article, authors must review and comply with all submission checklist requirements. The article may be returned to the author in case all requirements are not complied with.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it in the process of review in another journal for consideration
- If using the primary data, the data must not exceed five years from the completion of data collection.
- The authors’ name, email, telephone number, and workplace must adhere to requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines. (please see the WESR author guidelines).
- The title, structured abstract, and keywords must be in both Thai and English, following the WESR author guidelines.
- Citations in the text and references at the end of the article should adhere to the Vancouver. All non-original concepts must be cited correctly to avoid plagiarism.
- The manuscript must be prepared in Microsoft Word using the TH Sarabun New font. Images, charts, and tables should be consistent with and contribute to the content of the manuscript.
- Authors must submit a letter or memorandum expressing their intention to publish their work in the WESR, which has been verified by their institution of affiliation.
Review Process of Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report (WESR)

Author guidelines
Type of articles
The Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report (WESR) classifies published articles into four main categories.
- Summary reports of epidemiological surveillance activities
- Summary reports of disease outbreak investigations/health threat verifications
- Reports of alerted health events that includes guidelines for surveillance and investigations, protocols for control and treatment, and executive summaries of relevant research, investigations and health situation analyses.
- Original articles
- Outbreak investigation
- Research
- Public health program evaluation and surveillance evaluation
- Health situation analysis
- Review article
- Case report
Specific Guidance on Formatting Submissions
● Title
- The title should be concise and relevant to the context of the article. It must be presented in both Thai and English.
จำนวนผู้ป่วยและเสียชีวิตที่มีการระบาดในพท. ต่าง ๆ
< หรือ = 3 ตาราง รูปภาพ หรือกล่อง
● Author’s name
- Please include full name and surname (without specifying titles) and place of work/affiliation in both Thai and English. In cases of multiple authors, list names in order of their contribution to the article. Use superscript numbers after the last names of all authors associated with the listed affiliations. Include email addresses and telephone numbers for contact.
ผลการสอบสวน การระบาดของโรค ปัจจัยเสี่ยง และการดำเนินการมาตรการป้องกันและควบคุมโรคที่ได้ทำไปแล้วหรือต้องทำต่อไปมีการประเมินความเสี่ยงในโรคที่มีการระบาดในช่วงนั้น ๆข่าวการระบาดของโรค/ภัยสุขภาพในต่างประเทศ (อาจมีหรือไม่มี)
<3 ตารางหรือรูปภาพเสริม (ไม่บังคับ)
● Abstract
- Please provide a concise summary of the important content, include only essential information and use clear and complete sentences. It should be in structured format cover the following: introduction and objectives, methods, results, discussion, and recommendations. Please avoid footnotes or references. The abstract should be written in both Thai (not exceeding 550 words) and English (not exceeding 450 words).
ประกอบด้วยหัวข้อ ไฮไลท์สรุปสั้น ๆ บทนำ (กล่าวถึงสถานการณ์โดย
รวม ใส่ความรู้เกี่ยวกับโรค หากเป็นโรคอุบัติใหม่หรือเป็นโรคหายาก) รายละเอียดลักษณะทางระบาดวิทยา ระบบเฝ้าระวังที่เกี่ยวข้อง การประสานงานร่วมกับหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้องมาตรการดำเนินการควบ
คุมโรค/ภัยระดับส่วนกลาง/พื้นที่การสื่อสารความเสี่ยงสิ่งที่ต้องดำเนิน การต่อไป เอกสารอ้างอิง และความยาวของบทความไม่ควรเกิน 4 หน้า
● Content
- The content should use language that is clear, concise, and easily understandable. If using abbreviations, spell out the full word initially. Please minimize verbosity (e.g., replace phrases like “equal to” with “=”). When using scientific units, please write them out in full rather than using abbreviations.
ประกอบด้วยหัวข้อ ไฮไลท์สรุปสั้น ๆ เกริ่นนำ/ความเป็นมา แนวโน้มที่จะเกิดการะบาด/พบโรคในประเทศและต่างประเทศ ข้อมูลการเฝ้าระวังโรค/ภัยสุขภาพของประเทศที่เกี่ยวข้อง การสื่อสารความเสี่ยงต่อสาธารณะ ในพท./ภาพรวมประเทศ สิ่งที่ต้องดำเนินการต่อไป กิตติกรรมประกาศ เอกสารอ้างอิง และความยาวไม่ควรเกิน 4 หน้า
● Introduction
- The introduction part should give a background and significance of the topic including a literature review of related works and outline the study’s objectives.
ประกอบด้วยหัวข้อ บทนำ การดำเนินการสอบสวนเบื้องต้น สถานการณ์โรค/ภัยสุขภาพในพื้นที่ รายละเอียดผู้ป่วย/การระบาด ผลการตรวจทางห้องปฏิบัติการ/สิ่งแวดล้อม สรุปการสอบสวนเบื้องต้น มาตรการดำเนินการควบคุมโรค/ภัยสุขภาพ การประสานงานร่วมกับหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้องในการควบคุมโรค การสื่อสารความเสี่ยงในระดับส่วนกลาง/พื้นที่ สิ่งที่ต้องดำเนินการต่อไป กิตติกรรมประกาศ เอกสารอ้างอิง และความยาวไม่ควรเกิน 4 หน้า
● Materials and Methods
- The section describes the research methods and data sources. It explains how data were collected, sampling methods, tools, and data analysis and statistics used.
ประกอบด้วยองค์ประกอบหลักและลำดับเนื้อเรื่องดังต่อไปนี้ บทคัดย่อ คำสำคัญ บทนำ วิธีการศึกษา ผลการศึกษา อภิปราย ข้อจำกัดในการ
ศึกษา มาตรการควบคุมและป้องกันโรค ข้อเสนอแนะ กิตติกรรมประกาศ และเอกสารอ้างอิง ความยาวของเรื่อง < หรือ = 14 หน้า < หรือ = 5 ตาราง รูปภาพ หรือกล่องการอ้างอิงขั้นต่ำที่จำเป็นเพื่อสนับสนุนคำแนะนำ < หรือ = 10 เชิงอรรถ
● Results
- It explains the results in detail, following with the study’s methods. The author should interpret the results or analyses.
ควรประกอบด้วยองค์ประกอบหลักและลำดับเนื้อเรื่องดังต่อไปนี้ บทคัดย่อ บทนำ วิธีการศึกษา วัสดุและวิธีการศึกษา ผลการศึกษา อภิปราย ข้อจำกัดในการศึกษา สรุป ข้อเสนอแนะ กิตติกรรมประกาศ เอกสารอ้างอิง ความยาวของเรื่อง < หรือ = 14 หน้า < หรือ = 5 ตาราง รูปภาพ หรือกล่อง < หรือ = 10 เชิงอรรถ
● Summary and discussion
- The author analyzes the study’s results and whether they align with the previous knowledge. Please reference relevant theories or studies.
ดังต่อไป บทคัดย่อ คำสำคัญ บทนำ วิธีการศึกษา ผลการศึกษา อภิปราย ข้อจำกัดในการศึกษา สรุป ข้อเสนอแนะ กิตติกรรมประกาศ และเอกสารอ้างอิงความยาวของเรื่อง < หรือ = 14 หน้า < หรือ = 4 ตาราง รูปภาพ หรือกล่อง < หรือ = 10 การอ้างอิง
● Public Health recommendation
- This section provides specific recommendations on how to proceed, specifying organizations and timing of actions.
ประกอบด้วยองค์ประกอบหลักและลำดับเนื้อเรื่องดังต่อไปนี้ บทคัดย่อ คำสำคัญ บทนำ วิธีการศึกษา ผลการศึกษา สรุปและวิจารณ์ ข้อจำกัดในการศึกษา มาตรการควบคุมและป้องกันโรค ข้อเสนอแนะ กิตติกรรมประกาศ และเอกสารอ้างอิง
ความยาวของเรื่อง < หรือ = 14 หน้า
● Conclusion
- This section summarizes the article and recommendations.
ประกอบด้วยบทคัดย่อ บทนำ ความรู้หรือข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับเรื่องนั้น บทวิจารณ์ และสรุปผลจากความคิดเห็นของผู้เขียน เอกสารอ้างอิงควรเป็นปัจจุบัน ความยาวของเรื่อง < หรือ = 8 หน้า < หรือ = 4 ตาราง รูปภาพหรือกล่อง < หรือ = 10 การอ้างอิง
● Limitations
- Characteristics of the data or analysis that may affect the accuracy or validity of the results. It is written in paragraph form in sequence. For example, ‘1st, 2nd, and 3rd’, ending with ‘For the final constraint’ specifies how each constraint may affect the results.
ประกอบด้วย สถานการณ์โรค ข้อมูลคนไข้ บันทึกเวชกรรม (Clinic note) ลักษณะเวชกรรม (Case description) การดำเนินโรค (Clinic course) สรุปกรณีศึกษา วิจารณ์หรือข้อสังเกต การยินยอมอนุญาตของคนไข้ (informed consent) และเอกสารอ้างอิง ความยาวของเรื่อง < หรือ = 10 หน้า < หรือ = 4 ตาราง รูปภาพ หรือ
กล่อง < หรือ = 10 การอ้างอิง
● Figures and tables
- The figure and table titles provide detailed descriptions that match the content. Place the table title above the table, and the figure title below the figure, whether it is an image, graph, chart, or map. Number them all as ‘Figure’ or ‘Table.’ If it’s a graph, include labels for the X and Y axes in the graph description only, and it should be editable. Use the TH Sarabun New font for the text in the figure or table, with a minimum font size of 13.
● Keywords
- Please select keywords that reflect the article’s content. Please use 3-5 words that capture the main idea of the article and place keywords at the end of the abstract in both Thai and English to facilitate content searching and access.
● References
- Please follow Vancouver-style references, using English for all references. If the original reference is in Thai, authors must provide an English translation and indicate “(in Thai)” at the end of the reference. The author is responsible for the accuracy of all referenced documents. Each reference within the article should be numbered consecutively, starting from number 1 and continuing in sequence throughout the text. When citing an article more than once, use the same reference number. For foreign journal references, use the initials as per the Index Medicus guidelines. Any citation errors may result in delays in the submission process, as additional details may be required from the author to ensure compliance.
Manuscript format
- Be in MS-Word with the font “TH Sarabun New”, the content uses a font size of 16, while the text and numbers in figures and tables should not be lower than size 12
- Use decimal notation with one or two decimal places consistently throughout the document.
- Have all references in English.
- Have illustrations, diagrams, or pictures in black color. If color is necessary, employ different patterns for clarity. Photos should be included in the presentation file or provided as full-color postcards with a separate description. Do not write directly on the images.
Online Submission
The Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report (WESR) exclusively accepts original articles submitted online via the ThaiJo system. Authors can submit their articles through the website.
If the author wants to initiate a new submission or review a pending submission, please follow the link below:
Copyright Notice
Copyright Notice
1. The content and information in articles published with WESR are the opinions and responsibilities of the authors of the articles directly, which the journal editorial team does not need to agree with or share any responsibility.
2. Articles, information, content, images, etc. published in WESR are considered to be copyrighted by academic journals. If any person or entity wants to publish all or part of it, any part of it shall be disseminated. Please refer to the article.
Privacy Policy
Personal Data Protection Act, B.E. 2567 (2024) Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report (WESR) journal
The Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report (WESR) journal is important in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562, effective May 28, 2019, and in accordance with the data protection laws to ensure that data owners trust that the journal will take care of their personal data and implement appropriate security measures.
- Definition
‘Journal’ refers to the Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report (WESR).
‘Person’ refers to an ordinary individual.
‘Personal data’ refers to information about a person that enables the identification of that individual, whether directly or indirectly, but does not include data about deceased individuals such as name, surname, address, telephone number, email address, IP address, cookie ID, log files, etc. However, the following information is not considered personal data: business contact information that does not identify an individual, such as company name, company address, company registration number, work phone number, work email address, anonymous data or pseudonymous data that has been processed to prevent identification, and deceased individuals’ data.
‘Data controller’ refers to an individual or legal entity with the authority to make decisions about the collection, use, or disclosure of personal data.
‘Data processor’ refers to an individual or legal entity that processes personal data on behalf of, or under the authority of, the data controller. However, individuals or legal entities performing such activities are not data controllers.
‘Processing’ refers to the collection, use, or disclosure of personal data.
- Sources of personal data collected by the journal
The journal collects or obtains various types of personal data from the following sources:
2.1 The journal collects personal data directly from data subjects via various service channels such as registration, survey completion, photography, and videography at conferences or training events, or when data subjects communicate with the journal in person at its premises or through other controlled communication channels managed by the journal.
2.2 The journal collects data from data subjects who access websites, products, or other services under contracts or missions, such as tracking usage behaviors of websites, products, or services through the use of cookies or from software on the data subject’s devices.
2.3 The journal collects personal data from sources other than the data subjects themselves, where such sources are authorized, justified by law, or have obtained consent from the data subjects to disclose the information to the journal. For example, linking digital services of government agencies to provide public services efficiently to the data subjects themselves, receiving personal data from other government agencies as part of the journal’s mission to facilitate data exchange centers to support the operations of government agencies in providing services to the public through digital systems, as well as fulfilling contractual obligations that may involve exchanging personal data with contracting parties.
Furthermore, this also includes cases where you act as the provider of personal data belonging to an outsider to the journal. Therefore, you are responsible for informing the individuals concerned about the details according to this policy or the announcements of the product or service, as appropriate, and obtaining consent from those individuals if required to disclose information to the journal. In cases where the data subjects refuse to provide necessary information for the journal’s service, it may result in the journal being unable to provide the service to those data subjects in whole or in part.
- Processing of personal data
(1) Personal data collection
The journal will collect personal data to the extent necessary and limited, depending on the type of service used by the owner of personal data or providing personal data to the journal. For example, registering for participation in activities, registering for various services, registering for journal evaluation, etc., whether directly through the journal or through the journal’s information system, which will collect personal data only as necessary.
(2) Personal data usage
The journal will use personal data according to the purposes provided by the data subjects to the journal, utilizing it appropriately and implementing security measures to ensure confidentiality and control access to personal data.
(3) Disclosure of personal data
The journal may disclose your personal data to certain categories of individuals and channels, as follows:
- Your affiliated organization: For instance, in cases where your organization requests that the journal send reports of conference attendees who are personnel within the organization.
- Government officials, authorized agencies, or other individuals for lawful enforcement, official orders, court orders, etc.
- Network agencies, partners, service providers, or relevant individuals necessary for the services provided by the journal that are related to your data, such as database service providers, document delivery services, website developers, etc.
- Public announcements, such as information searches for published articles, announcements of conference attendee lists, images, video clips related to the conference activities, promotional advertisements featuring conference attendees or speakers appearing in part of the media, through the journal’s website,, and announcements via the journal’s social media channels, etc.
However, in cases where the disclosure of your personal data requires your prior consent, the journal will proceed to request consent in accordance with the terms and conditions of relevant laws.
- Purposes of processing personal data
The journal utilizes methods of collecting, using, and disclosing personal data in a lawful and fair manner, storing personal data only as necessary for providing services, publicity, or disseminating various information, as well as surveying the opinions of the data subjects regarding the journal’s operations or activities, solely for the purposes of the journal’s operations or as required by law. In the event of any changes in purposes, the journal will inform the data subjects and record additional details as evidence while adhering to data protection laws.
- Duration of personal data retention
The journal will retain personal data only for as long as necessary for processing purposes. Once the retention period has elapsed or there is no longer a necessity for further processing, the journal will proceed to delete, destroy, or anonymize the personal data to render it unidentifiable to the data subject.
- Rights of the data subject
The consent given by the owner of personal data to the Journal for the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data remains valid until the data subject withdraws their consent in writing. The data subject has the right to withdraw consent or suspend the use or disclosure of personal data for any or all activities of the journal. This can be done by submitting a written request to the journal, either in hard copy or via email to
In addition to the aforementioned rights, the data subject also has the right to protect your fundamental data, as follows:
(1) Right to withdraw consent: The data subject has the right to withdraw consent for the processing of personal data provided to the journal at any time during the period in which their personal data is held by the journal.
(2) Right of access: The data subject has the right to access their personal data and request the journal to provide a copy of such personal data. Including requesting the journal disclose the source of personal data obtained by the journal without the data subject’s consent.
(3) Right to rectification: The data subject has the right to request the journal correct inaccurate personal data or supplement incomplete personal data.
(4) Right to erasure: The data subject has the right to request the journal delete their personal data for certain reasons.
(5) Right to restriction of processing: The data subject has the right to request the suspension of processing of their personal data for certain reasons.
(6) Right to data portability: The data subject has the right to request that their personal data, which they have provided to the journal, be transferred to another data controller or to themselves for certain reasons.
(7) Right to object: The data subject has the right to object to the processing of their personal data for certain reasons. The journal respects the decision to withdraw consent by the data subject; however, it should be noted that there may be limitations on the right to withdraw consent under law or contract benefiting the data subject. The withdrawal of consent has no effect on the processing, use, or disclosure of personal data to which the data subject previously consented.
- Security measures for personal data protection
The journal implements appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, use, alteration, modification, or disclosure of personal data. Additionally, the journal establishes internal practices within the organization to define the rights of access or use of personal data by data owners, ensuring the confidentiality and security of data. Periodic reviews of these measures are conducted for appropriateness.
- Website usage data
8.1 While you use the WESR website, the journal will track and record your visits to each page of the website in server log files (“Usage Data”). This usage data may be used by WESR for statistical purposes to understand website usage trends and to improve the structure and presentation of content. The usage data collected by the journal (using HTTP cookies) includes URLs visited, browser and device characteristics, IP address, operating system, and the date and time of website visits. When the data subject visits the website again, the website can recognize that it is a returning user and adjust settings as specified by the data subject until the data subject deletes or refuses cookies. The data subject may choose to accept or decline cookies. In the event of declining or deleting cookies, the website may not be able to provide services or display content correctly.
8.2 The WESR website may use Google Analytics to help collect data on how the WESR website is visited. The journal will use this data to compile reports and help us improve the website. The cookie tools will collect data in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the website, how individuals arrived at the website, from which browser or web page, and which web pages those individuals visited while on the website.
- Updating the Personal Data Protection Policy
The journal may update or amend the Personal Data Protection Policy without prior notice to the data subjects. This is to ensure appropriateness and efficiency in service provision. Therefore, the journal recommends that data subjects read the Personal Data Protection Policy every time they visit or use services from the journal or its website.
- Compliance with the Personal Data Protection Policy and Contacting the Journal
If data subjects have any questions or suggestions regarding this Personal Data Protection Policy or its implementation, the Journal welcomes inquiries and feedback for the continuous improvement of data protection and services. Data subjects can contact the journal at or at the address provided below.